Bin Faqeeh Investment Company is a private investment company specializing in real estate related investments since its establishment in February 2008.
Bin Faqeeh Investment Company is primarily engaged in the acquisition, development and management of real estate investments in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Held for long-term production of income. Ben Faqeeh's investment philosophy requires quality, which provides the basis for mutually beneficial relationships with lenders and strategic business partners.
Bin Faqeeh Real Estate is a fast growing real estate company in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The company specializes in fully building office buildings in places such as the financial port. Therefore, Bin Faqeeh decided to put their trust in the smart touch to make booklets, business cards and websites.
A beautiful site has been selected for their customers to enjoy on the Internet as it is beautifully designed for great content. In addition, customers spend some time browsing their brochures by surprise in their wonderful skills. Bin Faqeeh business cards are now in the middle of a pile of other cards because of their unique gold colours.
Smart Touch has had a hard time creating something new from the current brand identity of Bin Faqeeh. Because they want to preserve the colours of the original company, Smart Touch decided to take advantage of this perfect opportunity to build a luxurious look which was on the minds of people in Bin Faqeeh.
Therefore, our company has been uniquely designed by Bin Faqeeh, where the distinctive colours of Bin Faqeeh. Smart Touch has also created a site for Bin Faqeeh optimized well to be in the first results in search sites on Google (SEO), and our role did not stop there, but we have done an e-marketing through social media.
The Bin Faqeeh logo is distinguished by its distinctive golden colour, which represents richness, sophistication and elegance. Grey has been incorporated into the logo with golden colour, as it enhances modern technology and adds some beauty to the design.